The Ministry of Sports and WINWIN Afrique in a consortium with ALAMO Company signed on October 14, 2020 a contract for the construction of 10 AGORA type socio-sports and cultural facilities.

On December 21, the President of the French Republic, Emmanuel Macron, and the Vice-President of the Republic of Côte d’Ivoire, Daniel Kablan Duncan, inaugurated the first AGORA, a model of local infrastructure for social and economic development.

On the strength of this success, the State of Côte d’Ivoire has decided to request a loan from the General Directorate of the French Treasury, intended to finance the duplication of ten AGORAS spread over the territory. This request received a favorable instruction and was concretized by the signature of a cooperation contract between Côte d’Ivoire and France on August 18, 2020.

To carry out this project, the Ministry of Sports has entrusted the company WINWIN Africa, in a consortium with the company ALAMO, a design-build contract for the establishment of studies and execution of works related to these ten new AGORAS as well as the establishment of their economic and social model.

In the presence of the 10 mayors of the municipalities of Abobo, Abengourou, Attécoubé, Bingerville, Béoumi, Bouaké, Buyo, M’Batto, Marcory and Yopougon, the authorities presented the main lines of the program.