This Friday, March 26, the AGORA of Koumassi (Abidjan, Ivory Coast) had the pleasure to receive the Club Abidjan Ville Durable for its general assembly.


In the presence of Mr. Ambassador of France Jean-Christophe Belliard, Mr. Director of the Cabinet of the Ministry of City Moumouni Sylla, Mr. Director General of BNETD Kinapara Coulibaly and Mr. Head of the Regional Economic Service for West Africa François Sporrer, the Club Abidjan Ville Durable and WinWin Africa have signed a partnership agreement to enhance the expertise of French companies present in Côte d’Ivoire. With the signature of this agreement, the Club Abidjan Ville Durable and WinWin Afrique broaden the framework of their common reflection beyond the construction of the next ten AGORA by allowing the member companies of the CAVD to get involved in the social, sports and cultural programming of the AGORA of Koumassi.

The Koumassi AGORA is the first local sports infrastructure resulting from the “AGORA Program”. A development program around the themes of health, social innovation and sustainable development where local actors, associations and NGOs are called to animate the spaces reserved for them. AGORA’s operating system ensures the autonomy and sustainability of the program by developing income-generating activities such as sponsorship, land rental and events.

The Abidjan Sustainable City Club, created in 2016, brings together companies that provide solutions for the sustainable development of cities. It now has about fifty companies in various sectors. Its mission is to promote the know-how of its members and has succeeded in occupying a prime position with Ivorian authorities and communities, research and training institutes and local companies in the field of sustainable cities.
Since the inauguration at the end of 2019 of the Agora de Koumassi, in the presence of President Macron, the construction of local socio-sport infrastructures has gained momentum in Côte d’Ivoire.

Indeed, the General Directorate of the Treasury has decided, after having granted a FASEP to finance the first demonstrator, to finance ten other agoras, thanks to a concessional loan. WinWin Afrique quickly set to work to select the sites and to carry out the technical studies with ALAMO. For the construction of the future agoras, WinWin Afrique decided to solicit in priority the expertise of the companies of the Club Abidjan Ville Durable.