During Mr. Franck RIESTER, French Minister Delegate to the Minister of Europe and Foreign Affairs, in charge of Foreign Trade, official visit to Ivory Coast, Winwin Afrique signed a series of partnerships at the AGORA Koumassi.

On December 21, 2019, the President of the French Republic, Emmanuel Macron and the Vice-President of the Ivory Coast Republic, Daniel Kablan Duncan, inaugurated the AGORA of Koumassi. A year and a half later, the sports and cultural complex’s attendance and programmation has increased. 

On June 3rd, several partnerships fucusing on sports economy, the construction of the next 10 AGORA and the operation of the KOUMASSI AGORA were signed.

Signature for the launch of the Ivorian sports economic and social development policy
A convention was signed between the Ministry for the Promotion of SMEs, represented by the Minister Mr. Felix Mézian ANOBLE, the Ivorian Ministry for the Promotion of Sports and the Development of the Sports Economy represented by Mr. Paulin Claude DANHO, the French Ministry of Foreign Trade represented by the Minister Mr. Franck RIESTER, and the Winwin Afrique Company, represented by its President Mr. Régis CHARPENTIER.
The objective is to invite Ivorian companies to increase their competence in the organization of major international sports events, as well as to encourage start-ups and SMEs to structure the sports business.

Pursuit of the construction program for 10 new AGORA in Ivory Coast 
A contract was signed between WINWIN Afrique and Groupe Duval (ALAMO / SCO Afrique) for the construction of the next AGORA in Ivory Coast.
The socio-sportive and cultural program counts 91 projects, 10 of which will be completed by 2022.

Signature of partnerships for the operation of AGORAs between Ivoire AGORA, the Ivorian subsidiary of Winwin Afrique and :
1/ ORANGE Côte d’Ivoire : The company becomes one of the major partners of AGORA and will follow all the actions around soccer of the AGORA program. 
2/ Le Tournoi des Natifs : A major competition in Abidjan will now organize all its tournaments at the AGORA Koumassi.
3/ Citysport : The brand becomes the official supplier of AGORA and inaugurates a new storewithin the sports complex. 
The festivities took place in front of more than 4,000 people attending the 1st edition of the “Mondialito City Sport AGORA”  (Football, Basketball, Handball, Volleyball, Martial Arts, Urban Sliding, Dance and Rap competitions, associations’ village, art exhibitions…). Didier Drogba handed over the trophy to the winning teams in the presence of Ivorian and French authorities and the public.